Air Quality Compliance Services
Lesair’s engineers are experts in air quality compliance. Our catalog of experience includes, development of monitoring programs, inventory, permitting, dispersion modeling, and ongoing reporting. Located in the Rocky Mountains, with some of the strictest air quality regulations in the country, our engineers are well versed in both federal and state regulations.
Environmental Compliance Services
Lesair provides comprehensive environmental and regulatory compliance support. We strengthen our client’s capabilities by prioritizing compliance issues, evaluating implementation costs, and considering potential liabilities. With our interdisciplinary team of environmental, natural and cultural resource, and socioeconomic specialists, we can complete research studies, characterizing all existing conditions. Our capabilities include, dispersion modeling, monitoring and permitting, remediation and cleanup, stormwater management, and spill response.
Field Services
FLIR Infrared Camera Monitoring
Using our FLIR gas detecting infrared camera, field crews are able to seek out fugitive leaks and conduct your leak detection and repair program (LDAR).
Component Counts
Field crews will accurately record all components at your production facility to determine site-specific fugitive emissions calculations.
Air, Surface Water, Ground Water, Soil and Waste Sampling
Lesair conducts on-site spill sampling and lab analysis for contamination events to ensure compliance with Colorado COGCC Series 900 rules or Wyoming Chapter IV spill reporting and cleanup.
Subsurface Investigations
Geoprobe Testing, Drilling and Well Installation
Remedial System Construction, Operations and Maintenance
Greenhouse Gas Monitoring
Regulatory Inspection Consulting
Performance Testing Coordination and Consultation
SPCC, BMP, and SW Inspections
Emission Performance Testing
Compliance Survey and Audits
Phase I & II Field Assessments
Due Diligence Field Assessments
Consulting and Permitting
Company/ Facility Environmental Record Keeping
Lesair manages detailed emissions records and tracks facility’s production for adherence to permit requirements.
Air Quality Permitting/ New Source Review
Lesair can accurately prepare any air quality application to ensure full compliance of your production facility, specializing in but not limited to the requirements of Colorado, Wyoming and North Dakota.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
Lesair specializes in developing SPCC plans tailored to your facility and according to regulations found in 40 CFR, Part 112 for Onshore Production Facilities.
Stormwater Management Plans
Lesair develops plans to handle all stormwater compliance requirements during construction.
Air Quality Compliance and Dispersion Modeling
Using AERMOD, Lesair can estimate the ambient impacts of air pollutants emitted from industrial sources.
PBACT/ BACT Analysis
Lesair evaluates emissions control requirements for Wyoming oil and gas production facilities as required by Wyoming Chapter 6 Section 2 Permitting Guidance.
Environmental Management Plans
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Groundwater Use Development
Litigation Support
NPDES and Hydrostatic Discharge Permitting
Pit Permitting
Process Safety Management Plans
Risk Assessment, Fate and Transport Modeling
Risk Management Plans
SARA Title III Compliance
Special/ Conditional Use Permits
Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Management
Regulatory Compliance Determinations
Site Security Plan Preparation
Assessment and Remediation
Emission Inventory
Lesair prepares state and federally required annual emission inventories, summarizing operational details and the total annual emissions associated with individual sources.
On-Site Treatment of Impacted Soil Removal/ Disposal
Lesair coordinates all steps of hazardous waste removal, ensuring appropriate cleanup measures.
Phase I and Phase II Site Assessment/ Due Diligence
Lesair determines potential environmental liabilities during both Phase I and Phase II site assessments.
Determination of Sensitive Areas
MACT/ RACT Assessments
NORM Surveys
Pit Closure and Site Remediation
Storage Tank Management for Underground and Above Ground Tanks
New Source Review
Spill Plan Development
Multi-media Environmental Audits