Chris DiMarco

Chris DiMarco - Environmental Technician

Chris specializes in Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas air quality permitting regulations.  Chris manages certification LDAR monitoring, new facility permitting as well as permit modifications and is adept at finding custom permitting solutions to fit client’s needs.  Chris also leads Lesair’s spill remediation, sampling and reporting efforts.  In addition to laboratory sample collection and compliance report generation, Chris provides in-field soil hydrocarbon measurements by use of a Photoionization Detector (PID) to direct efficient cleanup efforts.  Chris also brings to Lesair several years of experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and has pioneered the use of in-field GPS data collection and GIS with AutoCAD integration in Lesair’s SPCC projects for more precise field measurements.  Prior to Lesair, Chris worked in both State and Federal government with the Colorado Division of Wildlife, and later with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.  Chris has a BS in Environmental Science, focused in Ecological Restoration from Metropolitan State College of Denver.

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