Diane Tolleson

Diane Tolleson - Environmental Engineer

Diane is a registered Professional Engineer with over 8 years of environmental consulting experience.  Diane is experienced in the field review of oil and gas facilities to ensure SPCC compliance and preparing SPCC Plans following regulations outlined under 40 CFR Part 112.  Diane has also developed GHG emissions reporting programs to ensure compliance with the new 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart W regulations.  In addition, she has assisted clients to comply with NPDES storm water permitting requirements and prepared required Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) to comply with the terms of issued permits.  Additional areas of expertise include: preparing Phase I environmental site assessments, environmental compliance audits, and preparing permit applications for the Federal Minor New Source Review program.  Prior to joining Lesair, she worked as an environmental consultant for CH2M Hill and Black & Veatch, specializing in the preparation of environmental assessments, water quality studies, and storm water permits.  Diane has a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of South Carolina, is working towards an MS in Environmental Management at the University of Denver.

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